Phantogram is an American musical duo originating from Saratoga Springs, New York. The group consists of Sarah Barthel and Josh Carter who together create a unique blend of electronic rock music. Their style features hip-hop beats, heavy synths, ethereal vocals and dreamy melodies. Phantogram has released five studio albums since their debut in 2009, introducing a wide array of Phantogram songs with heartfelt lyrics and catchy hooks. Notable Phantogram songs include their hits “When I’m Small,” “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore,” and “Fall In Love.” Phantogram’s music has been featured in various TV shows, films, advertisements and video games. Their unique sound and emotionally charged lyrics have made Phantogram a favorite among fans of electro-rock music. Phantogram continues to make waves in the industry with their dynamic blend of genres and passionate performances. Phantogram has established themselves as one of the most creative innovators in modern music.
Whether you are looking for an intimate performance or a large scale production, Phantogram will provide you with a memorable experience that your guests won’t soon forget. Our Phantogram show features an exhilarating mix of classic tunes and modern hits to keep your event rocking all night long. We always strive to make our shows as entertaining, engaging, and interactive as possible.
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